About Krav Maga Lowell

About Krav Maga

About The Krav Maga Approach To Self-Defense & Fighting

About Krav Maga Lowell Krav Maga (meaning “Contact Combat” in Hebrew) is the system of fighting/combat used by the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). Its foundation, is that of simplicity, working with the body’s natural instincts and reactions. Krav Maga is about what you will do, under stress and duress, not what you may want to do. Whereas other martial arts and fighting systems have created blocking systems based on movements that have to be learnt and practiced, Krav Maga uses natural reflexes and movements that the body performs instinctively when attacked. Rather than having to learn something “new” and “artificial” Krav Maga uses the body’s natural instincts to deal with threats and attacks, working with our natural reactions, rather than having to impose responses that we have had to learn. This makes Krav Maga a straightforward, direct and effective form of self-defense; and one that can work when you are caught off guard and surprised. This is one of the reasons why it is more applicable to real-life confrontations than combat sports like MMA, BJJ and Muay Thai – when you step into the cage or ring, or onto the mats you are prepared to fight, when in real-life physical conflicts you aren’t e.g., there is no referee telling you when the fight will start, and you have little opportunity to recognize and understand who the person(s) you are fighting is. To learn more about the reasons why Krav Maga is so effective at dealing with real-life violence, you can watch a set of short videos by clicking here. In these Gershon Ben Keren explains some of the fundamental concepts and principles that define what Krav Maga is.

“Always assume that your assailant is armed, assisted and able.”

Gershon Ben Keren

The Krav Maga Mindset

Krav Maga Classes Lowell Krav Maga also differs from combat sports in that there may be more than one aggressor, and that they may be armed. Combat sports operate in a controlled environment, which is designed to demonstrate the fighting skills of those involved. Real life fights, lack this control. Another factor is that in a sparring match or bout both participants have agreed to engage in the fight, in real-life confrontations there is usually one willing participant(s) who has chosen to target and victimize another. This means a totally different mindset needs to be adopted for fighting on the street, than in the ring. Krav Maga is not a sport and recognizes this. A significant component of Krav Maga training is the adoption of an aggressive and never give up mindset, that allows for practitioners of the system to dig in and keep fighting in order to survive the conflict. Because the system acknowledges that assailants may be armed – even if a weapon isn’t shown – and that there may be more than one attacker (even if this isn’t evident at the start of an assault), there is an emphasis on predicting, preventing and avoiding conflicts in the first place. However, should a physical confrontation be unavoidable it is this never give up mind-set and attitude – combined with simple techniques – that gives the Krav Maga practitioner an edge/advantage.

Krav Maga Lowell, Massachusetts As well as simple/straightforward techniques, and an aggressive mindset, Krav Maga also considers physical fitness a significant attribute when it comes to fighting. Whilst adrenaline can allow people to perform well above what they would normally be able to do, it only lasts 15-20 seconds. After that he body goes into recovery mode. The fitter a person is the less this impacts performance. Although most real-life physical confrontations are relatively short the adrenal process starts as soon as the fear system is activated. When it is understood that most fights begin with a verbal confrontation first, and then some physical “challenges” such as pushes etc., before the main part of the fight begins e.g., punches are thrown etc., and the adrenal response begins at the start of this process, it may be that there are only a few seconds of the main fight, where a person is adrenalized. Krav Maga recognizes this reality, and so uses a variety of drills and fighting methods/games to improve fitness. If your current fitness levels are not where you want them to be, don’t worry, Krav Maga – because there is national service in Israel – is designed to take a new recruit, regardless of athletic ability, and get them fighting fit and combat ready in the shortest possible time. This means developing fitness and fighting abilities in the most productive and effective manner. Whatever your current fitness level is, you will be able to start training in Krav Maga.

Introductory Krav Maga Seminars & Classes

Krav Maga Classes Lowell, Massachusetts The best way to experience the effectiveness of Krav Maga is to take one of our beginner classes. Our training center is located just south of Lowell (a 20–25-minute drive), off of I-95 N (exit 72 A) and I-93 S (exit 54), and has ample on-site free parking. These 90-minute seminars will introduce you to the fundamental concepts and principles of the Krav Maga approach and teach you solutions to unarmed and armed attacks and threats. These seminars are taught by Krav Maga Yashir’s Head Instructor, Gershon Ben Keren, a 5th Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga whose teaching certifications and belts were gained in Israel and is a 2010 inductee into the Museum of Israeli Martial Arts, in Herzliya, Israel. To learn more about him, please click here or use the button below to see dates and to sign up for one of our introduction to Krav Maga seminars.

Krav Maga Introductory Seminar